Archives for category: Lighting

More and more these days, we are seeing designers reworking the concepts of “traditional furniture”.  In doing so, they’ve unleashed an element of whimsical modernism to what would otherwise be your grandmother’s statement pieces.  Allow me to share:

Property | Evolution

|| a hand-carved, baroque style storage unit that evolves into contepmerary, clean lines in burnished brass ||


Justin Couch (in collaboration with Jeff Barniger) | Negative

Justin Couch | Wilhelm Coffee Table & Alexander Dining Table


Mina Javid | Oliva Headboard Wall Decal

|| a graphic silhouette ||


Max Inc

|| the inspiration behind this oversized standing lamp was based on its smaller predecessor, the traditional spring-loaded desk lamp ||

|| a unique and inventive way to not only light up a room, but perhaps a smile ||

The only response one can have to the elegance, and modern simplicity of designer Ricardo Garza Marcos’ pieces is an unstoppable, exhaling “Wow”.  I first fell in love with his Cube Lamps, and then upon further investigation, fell in love with mostly everything else he’s done.

Cube Lamp

Zebra Chair

Molded Plywood Lounge Chair

Poolside Lounger Bed

Wave Desk

3 Part Modular Bookcase