Archives for the month of: October, 2010

There are a few things I love regarding design: disproportionate items (i.e.- when an object is either much larger or much smaller than we normally see it), a vintage one-of-a-kind find, and a modern take on a classic concept. In this case, wedding invitations. Sure, there is something to be said about a classic wedding, and classic wedding invitations. They’re traditional and timeless- and dare I say it, but sometimes boring. There are no rules saying, “For an elegant wedding, do not stray from the traditional wedding invitation template”. Personalizing your wedding invitation will not only bring a more intimate feel to your guests receiving them, but allow you and your partner to show off your creative sides as well. Here are a few wedding invitations I found and thought were too good to not share.


It was a small store, but I saw it from down the street.  Deep purple store front with one door.  One door that had an amazing, long, white deer antler as its handle.  I couldn’t not go in.  When I did, everything inside was just as enticing; until I saw their shopping bag- underwhelming in the simplicity of its design.  It was a glossy white european shopping bag, black rope handle, with the name of the store stamped in the middle (which I can no longer remember).  But it brings me to this: Why such a badly designed bag?  The store front and merchandise seemed so carefully planned and executed- why slack on what you carry it in?  It’s a walking bilboard for your company… in my opinion, make it count.  So now what you’ve been waiting for (compliments of, these bags are some of the most thoughtfully planned, although sometimes uncouth, shopping bags I’ve seen.  Enjoy.

More and more these days, we are seeing designers reworking the concepts of “traditional furniture”.  In doing so, they’ve unleashed an element of whimsical modernism to what would otherwise be your grandmother’s statement pieces.  Allow me to share:

Property | Evolution

|| a hand-carved, baroque style storage unit that evolves into contepmerary, clean lines in burnished brass ||


Justin Couch (in collaboration with Jeff Barniger) | Negative

Justin Couch | Wilhelm Coffee Table & Alexander Dining Table


Mina Javid | Oliva Headboard Wall Decal

|| a graphic silhouette ||


Max Inc

|| the inspiration behind this oversized standing lamp was based on its smaller predecessor, the traditional spring-loaded desk lamp ||

|| a unique and inventive way to not only light up a room, but perhaps a smile ||

Found on, the Godogan Table’s intricate design has been hand-carved to depict an Indonesian fairy tale.  Beautiful work.

The only response one can have to the elegance, and modern simplicity of designer Ricardo Garza Marcos’ pieces is an unstoppable, exhaling “Wow”.  I first fell in love with his Cube Lamps, and then upon further investigation, fell in love with mostly everything else he’s done.

Cube Lamp

Zebra Chair

Molded Plywood Lounge Chair

Poolside Lounger Bed

Wave Desk

3 Part Modular Bookcase

A bit apprehensively, but not for naught, I have finally succumb to the world of blogging.  Being an artist & designer, I find myself constantly inspired and intrigued by others’ works, designs, and ideas; so much so- that I have created this blog as an outlet.  My only hope is that you- whomever you are- enjoy what I have to post, and perhaps my take on one inspiration can be your muse for another.  And that’s really it- because from this point on, it’s just me vs. the world …wide web.